Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Punic Wars

1. Who was Rome's enemy? (Describe the group of people and important leaders) Rome's enemy was the Carthaginians. They 

2. Why did it start? They collided with what they did. The carthaginians wanted war at sea while the Romans wanted it on land. They were just too close together. 

3. Where and when did the wars take place? First Punic war was in                                           218 BC: second war began 

4. How was geography a factor? 
The Alps Mountains made it easy for Hannibal, the leader of the 2nd attack, to surprise attack them 

5. What key events took place? (2-3)
The war between the Romans and the Etruscans

6. How was technology a factor?  
They had the best ships. Instead of 3 rows of rowers, they had 5 which allowed them to move faster. 

7. What tactics or strategies were used?

8. How did the end result impact both sides? 
In the end, 

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