Tuesday, November 12, 2013


1. WHO was Spartacus? 
Spartacus was a gladiator that was used for entertainment. (He was a slave from Thrace)

2. WHAT did he do?
Escaped with gladiators; Triumphed in war with Romans; got trapped in Italy; broke free of Italy; went into war with the Romans again.

3. WHY did he do it?
He did everything that he did in an attempt to get to freedom

4. WHEN did it happen? 
It happened from 73 BC- 71 BC

5. WHERE did it happen? 
Capua --> Mount Vesuvius (pompeii) --> Metapontum --> Mt. Garganus --> Mutina --> Sicily

6. HOW did it end?
Spartacus died in war and his people were killed (crucified on the cross); Got defeated by Crassus (rich guy in Rome). 
He was a hero because he attempted to give the gladiators freedom; but then again, he did start a war and get them killed or enslaved 

264-146 BC: The Punic Wars
A war between the Romans and the Carthaginians. The war happened due to them being so close together, and a fight for territory. The romans wanted to have war on land while the Carthaginians wanted it out at sea. 

73-71 BC: Spartacus's slave Revolt 
Spartacus was a gladiator, a slave that was used for entertainment. He wanted to get to freedom, and he did just that. Spartacus freed all the other gladiators and had them follow him throughout Italy. They fought in many wars along the way, in numerous places.

100-44 BC: Julius Caesar historical Significance
Julius Caesar was well known for freeing people and attempting to lead them into freedom.    He led the slave army into war against Rome, and gets wiped out. Julius Caesar began a career as a military tribune after serving in the army. 

306-337 AD: Constantine 
Constantine was the son of a high ranking army general. He claimed the throne after winning a civil war for absolute rule over a split empire. Constantine was the first Christian emperor, which happened after he supposedly saw Christian symbols in the sky. He was known for "accidentally" killing his wife and son. 

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- One reason that the Roman Empire collapsed was due to over-expansion. Over-expansion lead to owning lots of territory that needed to be protected, and that couldn't happen without more soldiers to help. This caused them to spend more money on their military, and in turn the economy declined.

-  Another reason that the Roman Empire collapsed was disease. An extended amount of travel and trade between different people and places caused many diseases to intrude within high population densities. Malaria, smallpox, and many plagues spread throughout the people, and lead to their death. Without the people, their military was disappearing, and nothing was getting done. This created a decline in the Roman Empire.
- Inflation is another big reason why the Roman Empire didn't last. Emperors spent lots of money on monuments, palaces, and armies which brought them to the point of diluting coins with non-precious metals. This made the coins worth less, and when prices went way up, people weren't able to buy the things they needed. The economy declined because of this.  
- Barbarian mercenaries in the Roman Army was a big deal. Barbarian Mercenaries were hired soldiers who fought for Rome. This caused such a huge fall in the Roman Empire because the hired soldiers would eventually turn on Rome and use their war experience against Rome. Because the Romans became unresponsive with their own wars, these guys had to be hired. They weren't Romans, which only made them un-loyal to Rome and its emperors. An example would be the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest which happened during the time of 9 AD.  

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