Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Greco-Persian Wars

       The Greco-Persian wars started after the Ionians revolted against the Persians in 499 BC. The Ionians got put down, and King Darius tried to do something. King Darius, the Persian king, tried to invade Greece but got defeated at the marathon. After the defeat, King Darius returned to Persia and his son, Xerxes, goes and attempts revenge in 490 BC at Marathon. They get through the Greeks at Thermopylae, and are able to burn Athens down. Because of the numerous amounts of Persians, the Greeks plus 300 Spartans die at Thermopylae. In Salamis, the Athenians used to their advantage the outnumbering of Persians and tricked them by guiding them into a narrow inlet, where their big army couldn't turn around. That's when the Athenians attacked, sinking their ships and then fleeing. The last battle, which happened in Plateau, caused for an end in war. The Greeks became even more abrasive, and defeated the Persians.  


                                                        Primary Source Analysis 

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